Weighted Plush - Warmies Review

I've been a long time fan of weighted plush for kids to help them cope with stress and anxiety. ⁠

⁠Target has been my long-time go to Pillowfort Shark, Dragon, and Unicorn. I recently learned that they are no longer available.

Unsure if this will be permanent I decided to hunt for weighted plush that I can confidently recommend. ⁠

Warmies are the first substitute I've tried, and I purchased both the Llama and Flamingo. ⁠

They have many different animal options, so it is possible that some are better than others. I will update this review if I choose to purchase more examples.

The first thing I noticed…they aren’t as heavy as I had hoped.

When compared to the pillowfort weighted plush I’ve been using they are definitely smaller and lighter. The version I bought was 13”. They are heavy for their size and my children seem to feel that they are heavy enough to help them calm themselves.

⁠I like the lavender smell more than I expected to.

When I read that they smell like lavender I was hesistent. I frequently diffuse Lavender oil for calming benefits, but I don’t actually like the smell of lavender in general. Suprisingly the lavendar smell coming from these is nice, there is no chemical scent to it at all. It’s almost earthy, in the best way possible.

Microwaving them is really nice…

I also didn’t expect to like this feature. I was forced to clean my microwave super well because the Llama is very white. The inside of these feels like a natural heating/cold pack that you may often see in health or natural food stores. The warming feature is really nice and makes them very snuggly on winter days especially. I put the flamingo in the freezer and used him as a cold pack for a headache. My children thought this was really weird….and Reya immediately removed him from the freezer because “that’s not where flamingos live”.

Overall, we really like warmies. The Llama has not yet left Reya's side and he is so soft and snuggly. He Lavender Scented, and can be warmed in the microwave. Both great extras that my go-to "anxiety shark" didn't have. This is smaller and not as heavy, but much "snugglier". If your child finds lavender calming that will be a benefit, but it may not be for everyone. ⁠

I have to say, although I may still prefer my anxiety shark….my kids have taken more to the Warmies.

While, I’m sad to no longer have my favorite available for purchase. These are a great option that I can confidently recommend.

You can purchase the warmies Llama and Flamingo on Amazon below or on the Warmies Website. ⁠

  • I am an amazon affiliate, if you buy from the link below (or above) I will receive a small commission. This does not impact the price for you. I am not being paid for my opinion about Warmies. Amazon affiliate links mean I can earn a commission on almost anything on Amazon…the products I recommend are chosen because I truly like and use them.


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