25 Days of Social Emotional Learning | Advent Calendar

Advent Calendars are a favorite part of the season in our home.

Every day, the kids scramble down the stairs to find what surprise awaits them in the calendar. Each day’s surprise usually includes some candy (that we try to save for later) and a small gift.

This year the advent calendar also includes a holiday-themed SEL activity.

They take out the activity and happily complete it before we begin our homeschool day. When we’re all done we place a felt ornament in the pocket to mark another day closer to Christmas.

You can create your own version of this using the list of 10 prompts below to get you started

or you can find a ready-made printable version here, to save yourself some precious holiday time.

You can use these activities and prompts in any order.

I like to mix it up by printing them out and shuffling them before choosing their place on the calendar.

1. I am thankful for….

2. Breathe In like you can smell cookies….breathe out like your cocoa is too hot.

3. Draw a nervous reindeer.

4. Draw a happy Santa.

5. My favorite holiday tradition is….

6. List three good things that happened today.

7. I feel loved when….

8. My favorite holiday song is…

9. Breathe in like you smell candy canes, breathe out like you can see your breath.

10. I feel excited for…

I hope your family enjoys these activities as much as mine does.

Happy Holidays!


End of the Year Gratitude (FREE PRINTABLE ACTIVITIES)


Coloring as a Coping Skill (FREE PRINTABLE)