Vision Boards with Kids

I love vision boards.

They have been an important part of my own personal development journey. I really enjoy looking back at them and noticing what I have achieved, AND the goals that I have left behind,

Vision boards are a snapshot of who I am at each season of my life, they are deeply personal and therapeutic for me to create.

As a part of our “New Year” homeschool week, I brought my 5 and 9 year-old into this annual tradition.

This activity can be as simple or as complex as you (and your learner) prefer.

As I expected, my nine-year old was more engaged in this activity than the 5-year-old. It’s worth noting that I often bring her along when teaching more complex or abstract concepts, and of course, she won’t always really understand what exactly we’re doing. That’s okay. The goal here isn’t to “do it right”, if all an activity achieves is some level of exposure and familiarity with a new concept…it’s a win.

For this activity, I told each child that we were going to create a “dream board” or a “wish board”. We were going to fill it up with things that they wished to do, have, or learn in the next year. We then sat down at the computer together and created these collages.

To find the images we used a combination of google and Canva, We used Canva to put the final image together. The kid’s picked the pictures they wanted to include and I helped a bit with the actual design.

We printed each out to hang in their bedrooms.

Jax also added his as his iPad background.

These vision boards capture their interests, who they are today, and who they hope to be in the future. I know I’ll look back at them fondly next year and for years to come.


Valentine’s Themed SEL Worksheets + Activities


Happy New Year! (FREE PRINTABLE)